Born in 1967 and graduating in 1990 from St Martin’s with a degree in Fine Art Painting, Jonathan has worked as a full-time artist, exhibiting in the UK and abroad. Best known for his still lifes and landscapes, he also works on colourfield abstraction.
The subject matter for his landscapes is generally close to his home, on the West Sussex-Hampshire border. This provides both the contrast of downland, with dramatic far-reaching views, and the chalk streams that run through their valleys.
Using his signature pallet knife, the paint can be applied in a fast and direct method allowing the images to be appreciated on many different levels. Close up the viewer can enjoy the variety of textural paint surfaces across the canvases at an almost abstract level. Yet from a distance the representational qualities of the paintings come into play.
Jonathan’s work is found in private collections worldwide and notably he was commissioned to produce three large landscapes for the Palace of Westminster Collection.